If you ever wondered what a succesful small-market GM could do with a big-market team with deep pockets, then buckle up: Wednesday, Andrew Friedman and company unleashed the hottest and sexiest GM porn anyone has seen in a long time. With all the moves and trades the Dodgers made, I’m going to do my best and try to recap them all so here we go.

Phillies Trade Jimmy Rollins To The Dodgers For Two Prospect Pitchers

The Dodgers have filled their shortstop need, by trading two pitchers to the Phillies for Jimmy Rollins. This deal pretty much came out of nowhere as most gossip about the two teams revolved around Cole Hamels.The Dodgers fan base are a mixed bunch when it comes to this move, with some loving it, and some hating it.

It’s a little challenging to fully analyze this deal because, as of this writing, the two prospect pitchers the Phillies are getting in return have yet to be made known. In fact, the final structure of the deal is uncertain altogether. The Dodgers are looking at the 36-year-old Rollins as a temporary, $11-million dollar fix for next season (they let Hanley Ramirez walk away, to Boston, last month, and shortstop prospect Corey Seager is not yet ready).  As much as this was a surprising move, was it smart?

I wanted to compare Ramirez and Rollins to see how much the Dodgers lost or gained in the SS position this off-season.


Jimmy Rollins.151.3191023.73.9
Hanley Ramirez.165.362135-10.33.5
Provided by Baseball-Reference.com:
Generated 12/11/2014.


As you can see, the Dodgers were not able to replace Ramirez’s bat, but they improved the defense at the position by leaps and bounds. One could even say that they improved the position overall, and saved themselves $11 million in the process. It’s a good move for one season, until Seager takes over in 2016.

The Dodgers Trade  Dee Gordon, Dan Haren, and Miguel Rojas To The Marlins For Andrew Heaney, Kike Hernandez, Austin Barnes, and Chris Hatcher.

Dodgers GM Farhan Zaidi said Tuesday that the Dodgers were not “dangling” Dee Gordon, so this trade showed that the Dodgers’ new front office has no problem with lying to the media. Dee Gordon had a breakout year last season, so this was a great time for the Dodgers to sell high on him and it’s an upgrade at second base for the Marlins. If Dan Haren doesn’t retire, Miami also gets him for free, as the Dodgers agreed to pick up all $10 million he’s owed whether he retires or not. They also get a bad-bat but good-glove player in Miguel Rojas.

The Dodgers got Andrew Heaney, who would be instrumental in another trade later in the day, and a very good reliever in Chris Hatcher. Last season Hatcher posted a 9.64 K/9, 1.93 BB/9, 5.00 K/BB and a  2.56 FIP in 56 IP. Kike Hernadez is a utility player that has yet to make his way to the Majors. Austin Barnes is a catcher and second baseman on whom a lot of people seem to be high, but both players, and even Hatcher, could be used by the Dodgers as trade bait by tomorrow.

Dodgers Trade Andrew Heaney To the Angels For Howie Kendrick

Andrew Heaney was a Dodger for all of about five minutes as, in a brilliant move, he was immediately traded to the Angels in return for Howie Kendrick. The Dodgers essentially got a good return for Dee Gordon and turned around and grabbed Kendrick.

Now lets see what we get when we compare the two second basemen.


Dee Gordon.089.312101-3.4642.4
Howie Kendrick.104.3281156.7145.4
Provided by Baseball-Reference.com:
Generated 12/11/2014.


You lose the stolen bases from Gordon but you get a better defender at the position and a slightly better offensive hitter as well. Kendrick is, like Rollins, a temporary fix for next season. Alex Guerrero should be ready to take the 2nd base job in 2016. With these deals, so far, the Dodgers are definitely looking to improve the defense for next season.

Dodgers to Sign Brandon McCarthy to four-year deal

The Dodgers have apparently landed Brandon McCarthy for $48 million over four years. This is a move I was hoping the Dodgers would make, because he wouldn’t break the bank and he wouldn’t cost them a draft pick. McCarthy had a mixed year; he was getting blown up while pitching for the Diamondbacks. That wasn’t really his fault, though. The Diamondbacks wouldn’t let him throw his cutter, and he didn’t fare so well without it. He was traded to the Yankees around mid-season, and with those restraints cut off, he pitched much better. He posted a 3.22 FIP, 8.2 strikeouts per nine innings, and 1.3 walks per nine innings in 90.1 frames with the Yankees. The most impressive thing, to me, was that he allowed just 1.0 home runs per nine innings. In the bandbox parks of the AL East, that’s not an easy thing to do. This is another solid move by the Dodgers (if McCarthy can stay healthy), as it looks like they are moving ever closer to a dominant rotation.

Dodgers Trade Matt Kemp and Tim Federowicz To The Padres For Yasmani Grandal, Joe Wieland, and a 3rd Player To Be Named

Yes, that’s right. The unthinkable (for Dodgers fans) has finally happened. Matt Kemp is heading down the coast to San Diego. While this has been reported as a possibility for a couple of days, the Dodgers reiterated Tuesday that there was no such deal in place (the Dodgers are now pathological liars), and treated it as a media fabrication. Well here comes 3 AM local time, and, boom, Dennis Lin and Kirk Kenney of the San Diego Union-Tribune say the Dodgers lied (and I’m not done writing yet).

According to Bob Nightengale, “The Dodgers have agreed to send about $31 million to the Padres, who will be on the hook for $75 million over the next 5 years for Kemp.”  The Dodgers trading Kemp was inevitable. Kemp did have a good second half, and the Dodgers do lose a power bat with this deal, but,with prospect Joc Pederson waiting in the wings, and Kemp’s injures (plus his subpar defense), the new front office thought it was time to make a change. It makes some sense, in that out of all the outfielders the Dodgers were willing to trade, Kemp was the one for whom the return turned out to be greatest. The Dodgers will probably keep Grandal, and ship Wieland (along with the players they got from the Marlins) to try to include Hamels in the Rollins deal. They could be putting together one of the best rotations we have seen in a very long time.

This is also the one move that Dodger fans are already pissed about.

Well there you go. I did my best to cover a whirlwind of moves.

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