Episode 25 – The Secretly Successful White Sox System?/Starlin Castro’s Makeup Concerns – August 21, 2012.
EW Episode 26 – The Return of Brett Anderson, Oakland’s Playoff Rotation, and the Financial Future of Stephen Drew – August 22, 2012.

“Many Effectively Wild listeners may agree with Sam that the weekly email shows are their favorite part of the podcast. So while EW Rewind handles the in-depth analysis of each episode from the first one on, we’ll also have a series of email show recaps, to give a rundown of each email and make for a handy reference guide. Think of it as the crunchberry-only version of Cap’n Crunch.”

“Welcome to EW Rewind. This is going to be a regular feature here. Our intention is to go back through the full catalogue of old episodes of Effectively Wild, and recap them for you. We’ll run through the episode a little bit, highlight any of the show’s meta elements that hit a high note or appear for the first time in a given episode, and (there will be some content here) refresh the topic or topics to some extent.”