Ben Lindbergh (of Effectively Wild and FiveThirtyEight) joins BttP editor Ken Maeda to talk about all things Star Wars, including his take on The Force Awakens, and growing up a fan of the series. After some talk about his sportswriting, spoilers start at about 12 minutes in. (If you just can’t get enough Star Wars, look for our BttP roundtable episode.)


Ben on episode 1 of the Banished to the Pen podcast

Star Wars Rebels Preview (Grantland)

Star Wars: Aftermath Author Chuck Wendig on Building the Bridge Between Jedi and The Force Awakens With His Universe-Rebooting Novel (Grantland)

The Only Rule Is It Has to Work: Our Wild Experiment Building a New Kind of Baseball Team



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  1.  Mop-Up Duty: The Off-Topic Podcast – Force Awakens | Banished to the Pen

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