During the All-Star Break, BttP compiled a ballot of favorite fictional baseball characters, and readers were asked to select their personal top nine. The top 25 vote-getters are counted down below with the percentage of… Read more »
During the All-Star Break, BttP compiled a ballot of favorite fictional baseball characters, and readers were asked to select their personal top nine. The top 25 vote-getters are counted down below with the percentage of… Read more »
Below is a sortable list of candidates for our poll of favorite fictional baseball-playing characters (which includes 12 infielders, 12 outfielders, 17 pitchers, and 9 catchers). Apologies for any inevitable snubs. At the link provided,… Read more »
In the midst of a BttP staff discussion on the merits of Field of Dreams, I found myself on an IMDB list of ‘baseball movies’ (in the traditional sense, not the Sam Miller definition). The… Read more »
In the final part of our ’94 retrospective, we look at two things from that year that probably have little value in 2016: baseball cards, and Major League II. Also included is a brief anecdote… Read more »
This baseball movie list was born of a Royals fan’s inability to let the 2014 season end. Watching meaningful and thrilling October baseball for the first time in my life was simply too thrilling to… Read more »
In this series, Banished to the Pen turns the clock back to a particular year in baseball from the ’80s and ’90s. Our first entry starts with 1988, the year of one of the most… Read more »
My favorite baseball movie of all time is The Natural. Go ahead, mock me.
I love it for all that is pure fantasy: whittling Wonderboy from a lightning-split tree, whiffing The Whammer, inexplicable shooting by a crazy woman, busted open balls, deadly outfield walls, exploding clocks in Wrigley, Glenn Close sold as attractive, a shadow lurking owner, Wilford Brimley being tangentially related to Kim Basinger, and of course… the bloody hero’s fireworks display.
“It illustrates the dynamics of what happens when a band of outsiders infiltrate a world dominated by the status quo of business and offer a collective ‘eff you’ to the establishment.”